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Continuing from the previous discussion. if you have not read it yet then you read SAFE LANDING IN A GOOD RELATIONSHIP from the relationship category, let's continue.

Just like there are Heroes of Faith, I don`t know what kind of a Heroes category Ruth would be accredited to. It might have been the tradition back then for her to enter into where Boaz was to express her but, in all honesty, that act is worth commending. She probably realized that the favor she was getting had gone beyond just favor and, on her part, too, she was probably enjoying it. With the advice of Naomi, she eventually got married.

There are many things to learn from this story and one of those is about being intentional. Many times we know what we want but we never really move out in boldness to go for what we want. In this case, I am not talking just about achieving the goals that we set but going after the relationships that we want. It is so much fun to just wander around and around for years and eventually gather enough courage to start a relationship with someone. Every blink, tweak, smile and greeting feel so blissful, and deep within one`s heart they know what they want but they just aren`t intentional enough to express it.

Some relationships start out of the storm and come out of so many different places but there are also moments where we can be intentional above the relationships, we find ourselves in. You would not want to lie the rest of your life with someone whom you don`t find attractive to you but you can initiate the relationship with the one you are attracted to. Let it be an intentional move to be in a relationship, not just a coincidence just because you found yourself in a place where others are in relationships.

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