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Expressing my love for my Savior – David

Never despise the way someone expresses their love to their Lord. You do not know their story, and it’s not until you do, will you understand.

2 Samuel 6:16-23

David was excited because the Ark of the Lord arrived in the city to be kept in the place he had built for it. As the king, he did not only take the leading role in the offering of sacrifices, but David was leading those who were singing and dancing before the Lord as well. This selfless expression of his love and joy in the Lord was not welcome and understood by all. His wife Michal was among those who questioned the king especially for having danced to that extent. As she confronted the king, she was criticizing him because:

  • David was wearing royal robes yet he did not dance in a way that would keep them with the dignity they deserve as royal garments.

  • As he was dancing, he failed to consider the people who were around him and what they will say, think and perceive of him as their king.

  • His expression of joy was extreme as it stripped the king of his royal status, making him one of the ordinary fellows. What was more worrying was the king was not ashamed of this.

The passage is bringing to our attention things that have the potential of affecting how we freely express ourselves before the Lord. What is most interesting is that they are not brought about by strangers but by people we know and live with as they try to “knock sense” back into us because of how we praise our God.

  • What is the effect of one’s social class (David was a royal) on the way one expresses themselves to God? Does this also affect you in the class you are in?

  • How does the way people dress affect their expression of joy and happiness? Do we find ourselves dignifying clothes at the expense of true expression of the heart?

  • What is the effect of status on one’s way of praising God? Are there some things that are taboo to the status one has?

  • How do we take the possible perceptions, views, and thoughts in our expression of joy to the Lord, especially of those so close to us? Should they be the controlling factors for our worship?

David helps us understand that the expression of joy to the Lord is something between you and God. The relationship between you and God is the only thing that should be allowed to shape how you express yourself to Him. Remember, He knew you before all these things came into the picture, therefore hold on to your personal testimony of the goodness of the Lord. Let that relationship you have and the testimony He has given you be the drive to your expression of joy and praise towards Him in truth, with only the motive to please Him, who is the Lord over your life.

Lord, I am grateful for your love and everything you are to me. Teach and help me to always be true in my expression of joy and praise for every testimony in my life and for the beautiful relationship I have with you.

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