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Here I am: submitting to God

1 Sam 2:26, Luke 2:52

1 Samuel 2:26 And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men.

Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

1 Samuel 3:4-10

When Samuel was in the weaning stage, his mother took him to the temple where he began serving under the high priest Eli. One night the Lord called him but since he did not know that was the Lord. He quickly got off his bed and went to Eli who told him to go back to bed for he had not called him. For the second time and third time, the same thing happened until Eli realized that it was the Lord calling the boy. In this study, we will look at the response that Samuel gave to Eli and finally to the Lord.

“Here I am, for you called me”

  • How do we see the attitude of a child toward their parents when they respond to their call?

  • How do we see someone’s character in the way he/she responds to those who call?

  • When called out of comfort and resting, how do you respond in a respectful manner? Especially when called three times and the person still denies having called you.

  • How do we allow the word of God to shape our lives in a manner that will make us gracious in responding and speaking to elders and even our peers?

The response from the heart shows not only the willingness of this young man but his heart as well. It is similar to how Sarah responded to Abraham when she called him lord (1 Peter 3:6). God cares about how we respond to our parents (guardians) and spouses for they show not only our hearts towards them but also towards the Lord who gave them to us. At the same time, the attitude we show to these ordained authorities in our lives is important in showing our Godly character. If we submit to these in obedience to God, we will have humble and soft hearts usable by him. Those who disobey their parents and spouses who cannot submit to each other cannot obey God.

“Speak, for Your servant hears.” The second aspect is our response to the call of God. As a boy who was not familiar with the voice of the Lord, Samuel had a long way to go but he was willing and available to be used by the Lord. He yielded and submitted to the Lord as he responded to him as his Lord and Master, him being a servant who is ready to hear the instruction and the word that was to come from God.

  • Why does God call us even when we do not have any experience or qualification in doing what he is calling us to do?

  • Is God always aware of our inadequacies when he calls us? (Do you have your own personal ones?)

  • What provisions does God make towards our insufficiency so that we are able to serve him and meet not only his standards as individuals but so that we may deliver the task?

  • How should this change the way we respond to his call and commission to spread the good news?

Lord give us soft hearts that are yielding and submissive to you. Teach us to do the same towards our parents (guardians) and towards our spouses. May our attitudes towards them show that we are people whose lives, personalities, and characters are shaped by your word of truth.

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