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Is God pleased with what you ask for?

1 Kings 3:4-14

As Solomon was sleeping the Lord appeared to him in a dream, there God allowed His servant to ask for anything he desired. The king made a request that pleased the Lord who responded by not granting him not only what he asked but even that which he had not asked for yet was also needed. His response showed his heart and what he yearned for as a young king.

  • The motive in Solomon’s prayer was not for his pleasure but was to please God by leading His people to Him and being a king who governs them by following the statutes and standards of God. He had personal needs as an individual but he laid those down in prayer as he desired that which pleased God first and secondly, he laid down his desires for the sake of others (selfless leadership).

  • In revealing his motive, the king humbled himself before the Lord as he admitted to his inadequacy and incapacity in leading the people of God according to what God required. This didn’t make him a lesser important king who admits to his weakness and inability to fulfill his role but rather, it allowed him to be elevated from the level of the kings of this world that use their standards in administering their responsibilities, instead of using the standard of God as used by God Himself.

  • As he concluded his request, the young king gave God his rightful position as the owner of the people he was governing. Solomon knew that the people belonged to God and he was just called to be a steward entrusted by God. So, he was to see every individual in that kingdom as a great person fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. Rich or poor, male, or female, slave or free, young, or old, they were all to be treated as precious souls that are treasured in God’s eyes.

As we look at this passage we also want to reflect on these questions as we examine ourselves:

  • What is the motive in our hearts when we pray?

  • Whose will we want to be done in our prayers?

  • As stewards of God’s creation, what is our role of prayer in helping us fulfill our responsibility?

  • Is God pleased with the requests we make in prayer? How do we know that He is pleased and that we have asked according to His will? How do we reflect humility and selflessness in our prayers as individuals?

  • What is the importance of gratitude after prayer and how does it reveal our faith?

  • What manner of life does God expect of us as those who He is pleased to answer their prayers with His abundance?

Dear Lord, we thank you for always hearing us when we pray and being close to us as we seek your face. Teach us to pray through the Holy Spirit for we know not what we ought to pray for. Help us so that even when we pray alone in our closets, our prayers will be pleasing before you, may our requests and petitions be those that will make you smile upon us for your glory and honor.

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