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Pouring out my soul to my Savior – Hannah

1 Samuel 1:9-18

Hannah, just like all of us had her unique taste of the bitterness of life in this world. It was something beyond her control as she had suffered so much under the hands of her junior who didn’t only despise her but mocked her for being incomplete. And that made her feel like a failure in her marriage as she had failed to give her husband a child in spite of him doing more for her than what he was doing for the one with children. It was a very painful experience for this woman who daily wished to have a child. She prayed, remained faithful to God and her husband, and continued to follow the laws of the Lord both personally and corporately, yet, the answer particularly on these issues, never came through. One day she went very early in the morning to pour out her heart before the Lord in prayer. As the priest watched this manner of prayer, which he had never seen being done in church, but by those who are drunk, he immediately rebuked Hannah. But she responded by explaining to him the abundance of sorrow and grief she had been through. As we may sometimes face similar bitter experiences in different aspects of life, we will reflect on this story while tackling a few questions, these being;

  • When we are faithful to God yet we don’t receive answers to some prayers, what should we do? Do we stop being faithful and look out for other means elsewhere or try to work our way out?

  • When we are overwhelmed with sorrow that no one else understands, does it mean God also doesn’t understand? Does it mean that what we are going through is beyond Him and He is helpless too?

  • Why is it important to pour out our hearts before the Lord even when we have groanings that cannot be expressed in words?

  • As we express our abundant grief and sorrow before God in ways that are not considered normal, should we stop when accused and criticized?

  • When we don’t have words to say in prayer, how do we still pray in all honesty and openness to God? Why is it important to be open to him about what we are truly feeling and let Him see it as well?

Hannah reminds us that we should never be ashamed to open up before the Lord even if it means breaking down in tears. Pouring out everything that we are before Him helps us express things we can’t share with fellow men and things that words can’t clearly explain with words. Therefore, as we approach him in prayer let us feel free to pour out everything and express it openly before Him who loves us. His response to this is beautiful, “GO IN PEACE,” and He will say this to those who cry out to Him. It’s the kind of peace that surpasses all that we are going through because we are assured that, “the God of Israel grants your petition which you have asked of Him.”

Lord, we thank you for opening your arms to welcome us into your presence, for inclining your ear to our prayers, and for always answering us in the abundance of your grace and love. Fill our hearts with your peace as we pour out all our sorrows and grief before you.

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