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Wisdom with God's purpose

2 Sam 16:20-23

2 Sam 17:1-14

There are times when we must solve a problem by sitting in the council of people. This is so in order to engage others and hear their opinions on the matters at hand, giving them the opportunity to give any confirmation or convictions that they may have. When such happens, be it among family, friends, or colleagues, it is important that we always keep in mind the need to use the wisdom of God, for it is only that wisdom that stands. As Gamaliel says in a warning Act 5:38 — Act 5:39 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” So, the purpose should be of God and the manner (approach) it is carried out should align with God’s word as well. It is very interesting to see that the wisdom in the stories above was both sensible and pleasing to those who were listening. When you read the book of James, you will see that there is always the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. For this reason, we should be very careful when we receive advice from people we see as wise. We have people of the world who, when they speak everything make so much sense, but not everything that makes sense is Godly and true. See how in the end even after Ahithophel spoke, the wisdom that was backed by the purpose of God was taken into consideration. Receiving advice and acting on it

  • Why is it important to always first examine the wisdom we receive before we act? (See how Absalom went to sleep with his father’s wives before the whole nation, just because he was advised to do so)

  • When we make a decision based on the advice we get, who will bear the responsibility for our actions? How should this impact how we make the final decision?

  • Does taking advice take away the consequences of our actions? (Share an experience if you have one).

  • If everyone is pleased with what has been said, does that make it right, why is this so? (See how everyone was pleased with what Ahithophel said and the king acted on it).

Examining the Wisdom

  • Is the wisdom received in accordance with the Word of God?

  • Is the wisdom received having the purposes of God in it?

  • Is the approach taken in line with keeping with the Word of God?

  • Does the wisdom receive draw you closer to God or take you away from Him?

Lord teach us your Word and give us the understanding of your truth so that we are not led astray by the advice we receive from those around us. In this information age, Lord, protect and establish us with your Word lest we are tossed to and fro by the many strange things that have risen in our time.

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