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Image by Rod Long

Seasoned plans

This section contain a series of studies on different subject, about faith, life and complete walk with Jesus. What does the bible says about addiction?  what about love? fear, hope and many more...

The expression of love

"Greater love has no man than this that a man lays his life down for his friends." What then is love? How do we express it? What are it's boundaries? In this series, we look at these questions to know how to express our love.

One in Christ, One in Love

1 Corinthians 12:12-26 12 Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free —and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

For God so loved the world - The testimony of God

For God did not leave us without a testimony. He was and still is close to us even when our sins made us run away from him. In this series, we look at some of the passages that show God’s amazing testimony of love.

The Fearless Messenger - John the Baptist

Christ sends us out to be his messengers in a world that is full of trouble. John as he starts his ministry of preparing the way of the Lord, is faced with so many challenges but his life shows us how one should fearlessly carry the message of Christ. In this series, we look at the life of John from birth to the time he died so that we learn how to be fearless disciples of Christ in this present age.

Loyalty redefined - Ruth

The book of Ruth is one that shows us friendship, loyalty, and love all in a small family. As we go through these studies, we look at Ruth who is the main character of the book and learn from her character, conduct, and way of life so that we see how this can also be applied in our lives today.

Leadership and decision making - King Xerxes (Ahasuerus)

As leaders how do we deal with frustrations, disappointments, mistakes, and misjudgments? King Xerxes in the book of Esther had all these during his reign and the following studies show us how he dealt with each one of them. Let us be inspired by his leadership and learn from him.

Easter 2023: Walking with the Lord

When we walk with the Lord our lives should be able to reflect that surely the Lord is with us. In this series we look at some of the characteristics that show that we are with the Lord.

Overcoming temptation

1 Corinthians 10:11-22 11 These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. 12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!

Maturity in the Lord

Those who come to the Lord ought to pursue maturity in their characters. In this series, we look at some traits that should mature.

For God So Loved The World - The faithful love of God

What you are willing to give to build a relationship shows how much you value that relationship. In this series we look how much God loves us and the extent to which He went to show this love.

Beauty with brains - Esther

Esther rises from the ashes and is made to seat with the king as a queen. Her journey to the royal throne has so many lessons that we can take and implement in our lives as well.

A Man of Integrity – Boaz

In the book of Ruth, we meet a man who eventually gets married to Ruth. He was a wealthy farmer who was also God-fearing. Let’s journey through the book together and explore this character so that we can learn from him and see how we can apply those lessons to our lives today.

Easter 2023: Father into your hands I commit my spirit

As Jesus was dying he committed his soul back into the hands of the Lord. He knew that from the Lord he came, for the Lord he lived and to the Lord he was returning. How can we also learn from him to come to this point of knowing that we are the Lord’s and to him we return?

Jesus and the woman at the well

Jesus offers the woman the water of life yet he was asking her for water. The woman then asks him some questions we sometimes ask him when he gives us his offer of love, peace, hope and joy in this world full of trouble. Can we trust Jesus today to give us water that satisfy us given all that is happening around us?

God is in our midst.

God’s presence in our lives calls us to walk in a manner that is pleasing to him. In this series, we look at what we must do as we walk with the Lord.

Growing as a disciple

The life of a disciple has to show growth and one way we see this is in the way one relates with the Lord. In this series, we look at three things that help us assess our progress as we walk with the Lord.

A Little Compromise

Sometimes we are tempted to compromise and do things that we really know are wrong. But how does this affect the good in us? In this series, we look at four effects of the little compromises in the life of an individual and those around them.

The family man - Mordecai

What does it mean for one to be called a family man? How much do you need to give to your family for you to earn this title? Mordecai in the book of Esther, shows us traits of a good man and he is one among many examples in scripture. Join us as we explore his life and relationship with his family so that we learn from him.

Seasoned character - Naomi

When things don’t work out the way we expect them, how do we keep character? Can we even bounce back? Is there any more hope? Should we just get rid of everyone and stay alone? Let’s explore together the journey of Naomi which was full of ups and downs so that together we can learn how challenges and struggles of life can be dealt with while keeping our good character.

Easter 2023: Blessed are the peacemakers

For us to have peace each one of us has a part to play in building it and protecting the hedge of peace from being brought down by others.

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