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A Man of Integrity – Boaz

In the book of Ruth, we meet a man who eventually gets married to Ruth. He was a wealthy farmer who was also God-fearing. Let’s journey through the book together and explore this character so that we can learn from him and see how we can apply those lessons to our lives today.



A good master - Introduction

Ruth 2:2-5
Ruth 2:4-16

Boaz was wealthy, and he had many possessions, as the Bible clearly says. But one of the most outstanding relationships he shared was with his servants. I believe he exhibits the model relationship God desires to see between masters and servants even in our time. This is an extraordinary master. He displays a great character of how God molds us to be good towards one another. He illustrates a beautiful picture of how we should relate to our subordinates. Being on higher-level means we have the duty to always go down and be with others in joy, love, and happiness, sharing all things in the Lord. The blessings we have are meant to be shared with others so that they, too, feel and enjoy the sweetness of the Lord.

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