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Easter 2023: Blessed are the peacemakers

For us to have peace each one of us has a part to play in building it and protecting the hedge of peace from being brought down by others.



I am for peace

Matthew 5:9
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

As we start this series on being peacemakers, we have 3 things that I will highlight as key in this theme of being for peace.

Intentionality – We must be intentional about pursuing peace. It doesn’t happen automatically, but it needs dedication and effort to come. Someone has to be willing to pay the price to bring the notion of reconciliation and peace to the table.

Communication – We need to communicate the intentions we have to make peace. Don’t assume that people already know that you love peace, or you want to reconcile. Communicate it and sit together so that you may reason the matter.

Action – If we end on communication then the process is incomplete. We need to act on the things we agree upon that will bring peace. It’s work and we need to commit to doing it.

So as a peacemaker, you are not just avoiding violence, but you are intentionally seeking to reconcile and bring to light differences so that they can be resolved.

Lord Jesus, The Prince of peace. We ask that as we reflect on what it means to be peacemakers, you may help us to live in peace with others.

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