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For God So Loved The World - The faithful love of God

What you are willing to give to build a relationship shows how much you value that relationship. In this series we look how much God loves us and the extent to which He went to show this love.



God's Covering

Genesis 3:21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them

After the fall of man in the garden man tried to hide from God and didn’t want to be in His presence because of guilt and shame. God was perfectly aware of the state that His people were in, He didn't distance Himself from them. Even though they had sinned, God still came to be with His people and provided a covering for them so that they would still stand in His presence. Even today, God never distances Himself from sinners, rather He draws Himself to them in love. He covers our shame and guilt in His great love that has the power to cover a multitude of our sins.

Lord, we thank you for your covering upon our lives.

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