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Jesus and the woman at the well

Jesus offers the woman the water of life yet he was asking her for water. The woman then asks him some questions we sometimes ask him when he gives us his offer of love, peace, hope and joy in this world full of trouble. Can we trust Jesus today to give us water that satisfy us given all that is happening around us?



The offer by the Lord

10 Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10

As Jesus was talking to the woman at the well, He offered to her the living water, that is, Himself for He is the living water (the gift of God). Jesus knew very well what the woman was going through and how much she had been struggling to find satisfaction in her life. Therefore, He used a metaphor of the water to show the woman that the only way to find satisfaction was by taking Him into her life and not anything else the world would offer. Yes, the water drawn from the world would help but it was just a temporary solution and after a while, she would thirst again, and even if she doesn’t want it the thirst would push her to return to the well to draw again and again. Looking at Jesus, the woman asked Him very metaphoric questions which we will look at in this series, and how they may possibly also be similar to the ones we ask the Lord when He offers us His living water.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming into our lives to offer us the precious water of life.

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