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The Fearless Messenger - John the Baptist

Christ sends us out to be his messengers in a world that is full of trouble. John as he starts his ministry of preparing the way of the Lord, is faced with so many challenges but his life shows us how one should fearlessly carry the message of Christ. In this series, we look at the life of John from birth to the time he died so that we learn how to be fearless disciples of Christ in this present age.



Point people to Jesus

Matthew 3:7-12
John 1:29-34

John’s ministry was flourishing and was at its best but he continued to point all those who came to him to Christ. Even though at that time Christ was not revealed, John made it very clear that there was someone else coming soon and he was the one that the people needed for their salvation. “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” John made it a goal right from the start to make people aware that they should prepare their hearts for Christ who was to be revealed. All he was doing was preparing a way for Christ by making the hearts of people ready to receive him through repentance and washing of water which made them candidates for the baptism of fire (the holy spirit) that was to come with Christ. So as a minister of God, he had Christ at the center of his ministry and not himself, everyone who came to him was pointed to Christ not to John or to his greatness which Christ himself also testified about. This is the mark of a true minister of the good news.

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